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Babies and kids have a lot of stuff! From the big items like the crib, stroller, and high chair, to the smaller necessities like blankets, bottles, and diapers, bringing a new bundle of joy into the family quickly means having your home hijacked with tons of baby “stuff.” Parents are already overwhelmed with the daily baby essentials, and they’re hesitant to bring home too many unnecessary toys.
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Babies and kids have a lot of stuff! From the big items like the crib, stroller, and high chair, to the smaller necessities like blankets, bottles, and diapers, bringing a new bundle of joy into the family quickly means having your home hijacked with tons of baby “stuff.” Parents are already overwhelmed with the daily baby essentials, and they’re hesitant to bring home too many unnecessary toys.
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The holiday season is filled with joy and excitement, especially when you are introducing your little one to family traditions. All over the world, we celebrate diverse traditions that are unique and special, but the one thing they all have in common is a big meal shared with loved ones! Family dinners can become stressful when you’re in the process of trying new foods with your baby, but we’ve got some tips and tricks to make your holiday meal a little less stressful and child-friendly.
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The holiday season is filled with joy and excitement, especially when you are introducing your little one to family traditions. All over the world, we celebrate diverse traditions that are unique and special, but the one thing they all have in common is a big meal shared with loved ones! Family dinners can become stressful when you’re in the process of trying new foods with your baby, but we’ve got some tips and tricks to make your holiday meal a little less stressful and child-friendly.
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The day your baby takes their first steps is a day you will always remember! Learning to walk is one of the most exciting developmental milestones. How can you help your child reach this important stage of motor development? Baby walkers are a safe and fun way to introduce your baby to walking at an early age.
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The day your baby takes their first steps is a day you will always remember! Learning to walk is one of the most exciting developmental milestones. How can you help your child reach this important stage of motor development? Baby walkers are a safe and fun way to introduce your baby to walking at an early age.
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Babies don’t need much when it comes to entertainment. They can happily stare at a ceiling fan for hours with a look of wonder on their face. A simple stroll in the park or trip to the store provides numerous wonders and curiosities for little minds to discover. Babies’ cognitive functions grow so rapidly the first year of life that you don’t need to run out and buy every toy on the planet, but some classic options are great to have on hand to entertain your baby when Mom or Dad need a break. Here is a list of our favorite developmentally appropriate toys for your little tot.

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Babies don’t need much when it comes to entertainment. They can happily stare at a ceiling fan for hours with a look of wonder on their face. A simple stroll in the park or trip to the store provides numerous wonders and curiosities for little minds to discover. Babies’ cognitive functions grow so rapidly the first year of life that you don’t need to run out and buy every toy on the planet, but some classic options are great to have on hand to entertain your baby when Mom or Dad need a break. Here is a list of our favorite developmentally appropriate toys for your little tot.

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Whether they’re building a snowman or playing in the park, warm clothing is an essential part of any child’s winter wardrobe. Parent’s know that it’s important to buy quality clothing to protect their children and avoid frosted fingers and even frostier attitudes, but when kids grow faster than the seasons change, price is just as important as quality. At Mom.Shop we’ve got you covered with great cold weather essentials to keep your little ones warm this winter without emptying your wallet.
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Whether they’re building a snowman or playing in the park, warm clothing is an essential part of any child’s winter wardrobe. Parent’s know that it’s important to buy quality clothing to protect their children and avoid frosted fingers and even frostier attitudes, but when kids grow faster than the seasons change, price is just as important as quality. At Mom.Shop we’ve got you covered with great cold weather essentials to keep your little ones warm this winter without emptying your wallet.
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